






Fundraising tips
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Free fundraising



Raised 3,100 on GoFundMe

“For our family, GoFundMe was a safe and easy way to raise money for my mother’s funeral. Asking people for money is hard enough in itself, but GoFundMe made sharing and posting updates a smooth process.”


Raised 760 on GoFundMe

“GoFundMe was great to help my son raise the money he needed for his Eagle Scout project. We set up the campaign together and literally within minutes he had his first $100 donation. This was great for him to track where he was at and to personally thank each donor. It was very easy to use and we are so thankful for it.”


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Donor protection guarantee

GoFundMe has the first and only guarantee in the industry.

Simple setup

You can personalize and share your GoFundMe in just a few minutes.

0% platform fee

You may set up a fundraiser for free. All donations are subject to standard transaction fees.* *A 5% fee is applied to withdrawals in these countries: CH, AT, PT, FI, SE, DK, NO, BE, LU.

Mobile app

The GoFundMe app makes it easy to launch and manage your campaign on the go.

Social reach

Harness the power of social media to spread your story and get more support.

24/7 expert advice

Our best-in-class Customer Happiness agents will answer your questions, day or night.

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